This Leaf is a Blessing from God: Fight Insomnia, High Blood Pressure, Sugar and Fats in Blood

There are some plants that are considered to do miracles especially when it comes to treatment of different health issues.
These plants can seriously help fight some diseases and conditions, and the best part is that they are found in nature.
Also these plants are free of chemicals which makes them great because they won’t cause any side-effects.
One such beneficial plant is Laurel which is often used as a food seasoning. In fact, this plant could have many other purposes as well.
Laurel could be found in grocery store or healthy food store and it could help you treat the following:
Nerve and muscles contractions
Relieve of PMS
Migraine or headache
Sciatic problems
Muscular exhaustion
Mental lagoons
Skin infections
Abdominal gas and problems with digestion
In order to relieve all these diseases and conditions you will need to prepare laurel tea. Here is how to prepare it:
Laurel (dry) – 2 tbsp
You will need to put the water in a pot and bring it to boiling point.
Next, you should add the leaves in the boiling water and leave it to cook for few minutes.
Afterwards you should remove it from the heat and cover it. Leave it to cool down and add honey in order to sweeten it.
In order to get the maximum health benefits of this tea you should drink it twice per day, once in the morning on empty stomach and once before you go to bed.
Here is a list of the health benefits of laurel leaves:
It contains high amount of potassium, vitamin C, vitamin A, iron, manganese, and magnesium
Relieves pain
Laurel oil can help you relieve arthritis if you massage the affected area
Helps you improve digestion and prevents bloating and ulcers
Helps you fight coughs, flu, cold, and in order to treat these symptoms
you should apply a gauze on your chests that has been dipped in tea
Prevents dandruff
Laurel oil is also great for protecting you from insects