Natural Therapy Which And The Doctors Recommend It: Say Goodbye To High Cholesterol, Glucose In Blood, Fat And Triglycerides!

A natural therapy that even the doctors suggest, the results are admirable!

Every week, for four weeks, you need to consume pumpkin. Buy organic, or even better,grow it if you can.

Pumpkin is a food of specific taste and smell. It successfully reduces the level of blood sugar.

 It is also recommended in the case of stomach and small bowel disease. Furthermore, it is an excellent therapy against triglycerides.

Pumpkin is an excellent diuretic, since it promotes the removal of excess water from the body.

And is especially recommended for patients with rheumatoid, gout and inflammation of the kidneys and urinary bladder.

Diabetics should consume it more often, because it lowers blood sugar levels.

Pumpkin is a good source of vitamins A and C, as well as proteins, potassium, folic acid and antioxidant.

While it contains very little fat. Its seeds are rich in proteins, iron, zinc, magnesium, manganese and vitamin K.

Korean scientists have found that proteins from pumpkin peel prevent the growth of pathogens, including Candida, which causes serious health problems.

In addition, Chinese scientists have discovered that the pumpkin extract can be of great help to patients with type 1 diabetes because

it stimulates the production of insulin and regenerates damaged pancreatic cells.

How to prepare the remedy

The first thing to do is to peel 100 g pumpkin, put it in a blender, pour a little water and mix well for a few minutes. With this you will get a real vitamin bomb!

When you make this drink, what you need to know is to consume it on a empty stomach, 15-20 minutes before breakfast.

 In addition, this treatment does not have a contraindication, because it consists of natural vegetables and water.

Do not use sugar or other additives. The pumpkin contains active ingredients that eliminate the cholesterol from the arteries, through the urine.

The beverage can clean your arteries and after consumption you will feel refreshed and energetic.

Your blood count will be phenomenal.

Pumpkin seeds as kidney stone

The cold pumpkin oil of the pumpkin seed abounds with omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which strengthen the body and supply it with energy, and are beneficial for the health of reproductive organs and the nervous system.

Also, pumpkin oil regulates blood cholesterol levels, relieves the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome and prevents bladder disease.

Pumpkin seeds prevent the formation of stone in the kidney and have a strong anti-inflammatory effect.

Thanks to a high level of tryptophan, an amino acid that elevates serotonin levels (brain hormone) in the brain, the seed is recommended in the treatment of depression.


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