Natural Methods to Get Rid of Spider Veins

The small dilated blood vessels that become visible as thin purple, blue or twisted red lines on the mucous membranes or skin’s surface are called spider veins. The term “spider veins” is because of their looks like a spider web or tree branches. In general, spider veins appear as a result of weak or damaged valves in the vein and it may affect on the hands, legs, and face (chin, nose, and cheeks). Some other sources which can cause spider veins are: genetics, hormonal changes, age, stress, wearing tight clothes, a prolonged period of sitting or standing, overweight, certain medications, constipation, overexposure to sun’s harmful UV rays, blood clots, etc. Although spider veins are usually harmless but sometimes occur to cause pain, throbbing rashes, swelling, restless legs, and itching around the affected area. If not treated correctly, it results in skin ulcers or varicose veins. Before start using the creams or counter medications, first, give a chance to natural home remedies...