7 Warning Signs your Lymphatic System is Clogged – Here’s How to Drain It

The lymphatic system might be the body’s most forgotten and under-studied system. People usually hear about it only in relation to cancer. When everything seems to be going well, the lymphatic system just gets ignored, and its function is not really considered. If you knew that the lymphatic system may be more important than the blood supply system, would that change the way you look after it? Read on to find out about the lymph’s significance and how to keep it flowing to preserve your health. The lymphatic system works like a drain. It detoxifies the body, removes the waste and makes sure the offensive substances, such as bacteria, allergens, heavy metals, molds, fungi, chemicals, trans fats – leave the body in due time. It supports every other system in the body and is crucial for your immunity. If your lymph gets sluggish, this will compromise your immune response. You really don’t want your lymph system becoming clogged – this is when different conditions start to d...